Recovering Your Losses

4 Unique Types Of Bicycle Accidents Every Rider Should Be Aware Of

Bicyclists have just as many rights to use the road as regular drivers. Wearing a helmet and following proper safety rules is important, but accidents can still occur. As you bike through rural or urban streets, it's important to be aware of potential hazards. If one of the following accidents does occur, it's a good idea to consult with an accident attorney to see what your future options are.

The following four types of bicycle accidents may be unique, but it's important to be aware of them and understand how they can occur.


Sudden crashes may result in ejection from the bike, multiple injuries, and head trauma even if you're wearing a helmet. One of the most sudden injuries that can occur on a bike is an incident known as "dooring." When riding down streets with parking, bikers are supposed to stay as far to the right as possible. When a parked car opens a door, it can create a quick obstacle and potential danger for a biker.

It's the driver's obligation to use mirrors and look for bicycles before opening the door. Glares, window tints, or sudden movements prevent bicyclists from being able to properly see inside a vehicle. When dooring does occur, an attorney will use the car's damage and traffic cams to help prove the case. These accidents happen in a matter of seconds and can be hard to stop in time.

Carbon Fiber Bike Construction

Sometimes it's not the road elements that can cause an accident, it's the construction of a bike. Carbon fiber bikes are made for light-weight riding, but the materials can snap bike pieces if there are any cracks or chips formed in them. When a part of a bike snaps, you will instantly lose control, but continue the momentum that you were originally at. This type of material is made for racing bikes, not everyday street bikes.

If your bike breaks apart while riding, it's important to run an investigation into the manufacturing of the bike. An attorney can help research this and make a claim against the manufacturer if they are at fault for the accident.

Forced Into the Street

Many cities prohibit bike riding on sidewalks, forcing bicyclists to ride in the streets instead. During heavy traffic areas and large intersections, this type of biking can become extremely dangerous. If an accident occurs where you were forced to ride in the street, then the local government may be at fault for the incident. An attorney can look into the various laws for the specific street, previous accidents that occurred there, and who is at fault for the accident.

Along with receiving proper compensation for an accident, you can help move legislation forward to help protect bikers.

Car Bumping

When a car approaches a bicyclist from behind, the driver is supposed to give around three to four feet of space so there is no contact. If a driver comes to close, many types of accidents may occur.

  • Bumper Hit: A bumper may tap on the bicycle, causing it to lose control and crash.
  • Forced Crash: A driver moving in too close, could force a bicyclist to ram into a parked car and get injured.
  • Side-View Mirror: The side mirrors on a car could hit a bicyclist's arm, body, or bike as it passes. This can cause an injury and result in an even bigger bike crash.
  • Road Conditions: A car may force a biker into bad road conditions like pot holes, loose gravel, or sewer grates. All of these hazards can easily cause an accident that the rider cannot avoid.

If any type of bicycle accident occurs on the road, it's a good idea to go in for a consultation. An attorney will go over your possible options and help you get the proper compensation for your injuries.
