Recovering Your Losses

3 Ways To Maximize Your Potential Auto Accident Settlement

Traffic accidents happen to be the number one reason that people in the United States file personal injury claims within the legal system, so it shouldn't be tough to find a qualified attorney whose expertise lies in working with victims of vehicle accidents due to neglect of the other party. Your lawyer will do most of the legwork in your case, but there are a few things you can do to help them maximize your potential auto accident settlement – consider making use of the following methods and techniques:

Document Your Recovery Daily

It's important to document your recovery progress so that your lawyer can more easily prove the extent of your injuries as well as your ongoing financial and medical suffering, if relevant. The easiest way to do this is by using a notebook on a daily basis to document things such as:

  • Any medicines you have to take for pain or other medical problems that stem from your accident.
  • Scheduled appointments with your doctor or physical therapist.
  • Your physical and mental status as well as accident symptoms you experience throughout the day.
  • Financial losses due to lost work days and medical bills that relate to your accident.

Things like headaches, problems moving your limbs, feelings of depression, and effects that the accident has had on your family should also be included in your documentation as often as possible to provide a well-rounded account of your ordeal for your lawyer and the court.

Focus on Photos

One of the most effective ways to support your personal injury case is to take some photographs of the accident scene. Take the time to go back to the scene and take pictures of landmarks, street signs, and marks in the road that can help prove exactly where the accident happened. Your photos may also help provide the court with some insight into how the accident actually occurred. It's also essential to take photos of any damage that your vehicle suffered, as well as any injuries that you or any of your passengers received during the accident. This visual proof should help your lawyer negotiate for fair compensation that covers the damage, injuries, and pain and suffering that have resulted from your accident.

Make Copies of Your Paperwork

It's also a good idea to gather all of the paperwork for your attorney that can help prove your case and maximize your potential settlement, as this will save your lawyer time and therefore save you money in legal fees. Providing official paperwork to your lawyer will help them efficiently prove your lost income and other expenses that you'd like compensation for.  Following are documents that shouldn't be overlooked:

  • Bills related to medical treatments and physical therapy sessions.
  • Costs for medication and treatment accessories that you've had to pay for out of pocket.
  • Receipts for car rentals and other transportation costs while your damaged vehicle is being fixed.
  • Letterheads from your employer documenting loss of work.
  • Repair bills associated with vehicle repairs that were caused by the accident.
  • All insurance deductible and co-pay expenses that are billed to you.

Ask your attorney to provide you with an exhaustive list of possible paperwork that could help you win your personal injury case. This should help to ensure that nothing important is overlooked so you don't miss out on any compensation that you may deserve due to your pain, suffering, and inconvenience.  

You should find that these tips and tricks are easy to implement and should be well worth the trouble when it comes to negotiating fair compensation in your personal injury case. Your car accident attorney is sure to appreciate your support too!
