Recovering Your Losses

Choosing A Doctor After An Accident

Medical providers play a critical role in a personal injury case. For this reason, it's essential that accident victims choose their doctors wisely. The wrong choice could complicate the entire claims process and even put your claim in jeopardy. While you probably already feel like you have a lot on your plate, careful doctor selection is not a task you want to take lightly. Here are a couple of tips that can assist you with the process.

Avoid Insurance-Selected Doctors

Insurance companies are large organizations with even more extensive networks. Often times, insurance companies have a network of doctors that don't technically work for the company, but that they often send their claimants to for medical care. 

If the other person's insurance company recommends one of their network providers to you, think twice about seeing the doctor. The greatest risk these providers create is a conflict of interest. In some instances, these providers will downplay a claimant's injuries in order to stay in good graces with the insurance company. The goal in this instance is to gain more patients in the future. However, for the innocent victim, the practice is entirely unfair. 

Look for Specialists

If you receive a diagnosis at the ER, look for a specialist that covers the area of your injury. First, a specialist is an excellent tool for your recovery. A specialist will have a greater understanding of the injury, which also means they can do a better job at helping you formulate a recovery plan. While a general physician is helpful, specialist providers have even more training.  

Second, a specialist often holds the credentials necessary to act as an expert witness. Should your claim go to court, the specialist will be able to testify about your condition on your behalf. The insurance company will likely bring in a specialist to review your records for them and to testify, so it only makes sense for you to have a specialist on your behalf. When looking for a specialist, look for providers who have previous accident experience. A doctor with experience will know exactly what the insurance company is looking for and the extra type of documentation that they require.    

If you need help selecting a doctor, an attorney can help. Not only will an attorney help you with your case, but attorneys know what to look for in a doctor and often have recommendations on hand for you. The right doctor and an attorney create a winning combination for your case. For more tips, contact a local attorney like Kenneth P Hicks
