Recovering Your Losses

Tips For Fighting For Pain And Suffering Compensation After An Accident

Going through a major car accident often leaves people with physical injuries and health problems, but there are times when people are also left with emotional injuries and problems. In personal injury cases, emotional trauma is often referred to as pain and suffering, and this is a type of compensation you can ask for after a car accident if needed. Here are several things to understand about pain and suffering.

The definition of pain and suffering

Pain and suffering is a common phrase used in personal injury cases, and it refers to the emotional trauma a person experiences as a direct result of an accident. There are many different forms of pain and suffering, including physical pain you feel from your injuries, and you will need to break down exactly what types of pain and suffering you are experiencing. Some other types include pain and suffering caused by insomnia or bad dreams, sadness and depression, or fear when you think about driving again.

Ways to prove that you deserve compensation for pain and suffering

If you are going to fight for compensation to cover the pain and suffering you are experiencing, you will first of all need to prove that you have pain and suffering. To do this, you can provide copies of reports from your therapist or doctor. You could also provide receipts that prove you are now taking some form of medication to cope with your feelings, such as anti-anxiety pills. Providing a journal is another way to prove this. If you choose to use a journal, you should try to write entries in it as often as possible, and you should be very clear with your feelings and emotions that you are struggling with.

The amount of money you can get for it

There is not an easy way to calculate how much money you will receive for the pain and suffering you are going through, and courts and lawyers typically use some form of calculation method to do this. One method is called the multiplier method, which bases a person's pain and suffering compensation on a percentage of the person's medical bills and injuries, but there are several other methods too.

Seeking compensation for pain and suffering is a common event when settling a car accident case. To find out if you are eligible to receive this type of compensation, you should speak to an auto injury lawyer.
