Recovering Your Losses

Getting Paid And Your Personal Injury Settlement Payment

If you have been hurt by another driver, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. How much you get depends on a number of factors. If you ask your lawyer, they will likely say, "It depends." That is because settlements are based on many different factors. What you can do is take a look at those factors that affect settlements and get a better idea of what you might be entitled to in monetary compensation. Read on and find out more.

Your Settlement Depends On These Issues:


This term is not just a form of automobile insurance. Liability means fault so the party held liable is the party that caused the accident. To be paid compensation, you must not be liable for the accident. The other, at-fault driver should be responsible for any of your damages. If fault is not decided, it's impossible to estimate your settlement until that issue is resolved.

Physical Injuries 

If you were hurt, seek treatment right away. Go to an emergency room or see a doctor as soon as possible after a wreck. When all is said and done, the dollar amount of your medical expenses play a huge role in your compensation. Not only are you entitled to full payment of all medical expenses, but your pain and suffering payment is also linked to those medical bills.

Lost Wages and Career Damage

Almost all accident victims lose some time from work, and they can be reimbursed for those lost wages as a result. Some accidents cause physical injuries that don't heal in a timely manner and that can result in permanent career damage. Either way, speak to a personal injury lawyer about being paid for those losses.

Your Locale 

When it's time to calculate your personal injury settlement, where you live can influence how much you are paid. That is because your injury situation will be compared with similar accident cases to help determine what is customary in your state or city.

Your Age 

Particularly if you have been afflicted with a severe and permanent injury, your age may affect your settlement. Younger people may qualify for higher amounts than older victims who have less time before they retire or pass away.

Former Medical Issues 

Not every factor results in a form of damage. Negative issues can also affect your compensation, and preexisting conditions are a major factor. The other side may try to show that you were already negatively affected by the accident because of a previous accident or a chronic medical condition. Your lawyer will need to combat that allegation by showing that the accident in question caused your injuries.

Once your lawyer has enough information, you will work with them to develop a settlement target amount. Speak to a personal injury lawyer to learn more.
